Jenstar’s Pussy „Szofi”

brown medium female

dob: 7th of april 2022

prcd-pra: „normal/clearby parents

manul eye checknot yet made

full set of teeth & correct bite

pat.lux. test not yet made

HD test not yet made

36 cm (still not official)


Jenny Starke

Kennel „Jenstar’s” - Germany



1 year / 11.5 months old

titles & show results:


exc.1, HPJ (Junior CC), junior clubwinner’23


BOS/best female in breed!!

Shortlisted in the junior BIS – among the best 5

Speciality show in Pápa (H), judge: Mr Zeljko Gajic (SLO) & Mrs Szilvia Gróf (H)

6th of may 2023


exc.1, HPJ (Junior CC), best junior, best of breed!

National show in Salgótarján (H), judge: István Orcsik (SR)

26th of march 2023


exc.1, HPJ (Junior CC), Junior CACIB, Best Junior in breed

International show in Budapest (H), judge: Mr Bojan Cukic (SR)

11th of february 2023


very promising puppy & #1 BEST PUPPY IN SHOW in huge competition

Speciality show in Komárom (H), judge: Mrs Lucia Sladekova (SK)

22nd of october 2022


More ancestors:


13 months old


1 year / 11.5 months old

6.5 months old


9 weeks/2 months old